There are better options than litigation for divorcing couples, like Mediation or Collaborative.

Divorce is never easy. Donna M. Encinas can ease the pain if the two of you are willing to go through mediation or collaboration. If you cannot come to an agreement, you can still pursue a court decision on your divorce.

Mediation and collaboration often results in a divorce that leaves both sides still friends - at the very least, it is a more peaceful and respectful proceeding. The process is only guided by Donna and any experts you and she decide to bring in.

You make the final decision on how the divorce is crafted. Donna will also make sure any agreement you come to will be approved by the judge who signs the divorce decree.

Divorce and Separation



Family law attorney Donna M. Encinas works with you and your spouse in private.


A collaborative divorce utilizes a team of professionals to guide you through the big decisions.

Spousal Support / Alimony

Spousal Support is a means for you and your spouse to distribute income so that each can maintain a consistent standard of living.

Child Custody & Visitation


Child Support

The State of California requires that children be financially taken care of in divorced families.  See how it works.